
Business owners, in the past, would build apps to boost sales. In fact, a report issued in 2017 stated that 42 percent of business owners developed an app for this purpose. However, the focus of app development changed in 2017. Companies began building apps with the customer experience in mind.

Times have changed, and the customer comes first. Any business that wants to thrive must deliver top-quality customer service. Customers put service above the price when making a purchase today.

Why has an app become essential in today’s world? What benefits come with creating an app? Finally, how does the app lead to a better customer experience?

Why Build a Mobile App?

Most business owners today recognize the importance of a website and have one for their company. However, the same does not hold for apps. Most business owners want to see the evidence-based value before they will spend money on something, and iPhone and Android app development for their company is no exception.

Consumers download apps regularly. However, they often delete these apps within 30 days of installing them. The retention rate for apps was 6.28 percent in March 2020. Experts believe the global pandemic and accompanying surge in app downloads may have played a role in the low retention rate, as it dropped from 6.83 percent at the beginning of 2020 to 6.28 percent a few months later.

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How can a business encourage a user to keep an app on their phone? What do businesses need to know to achieve this goal? The customer experience plays a key role in app user retention.

The Benefits of Mobile Apps

Customers appreciate being able to connect with a company and want to use their preferred way to do so. For many people, the preferred communication channel today is an app. Every business needs to make certain they have an app, so they don’t lose business.

Grow Sales

 With an app, the business is always present, as it can send push notifications to alert customers to sales, special events, and more. The customer can view the sale and complete their order without leaving the app. 

Many apps today contain a feature that allows the user to post a link to the business on social networks. The business may find new fans this way. It’s word-of-mouth advertising in the digital age.

 Furthermore, customers on the go can make a reservation at a session-based business using the app. They open the app, view ‌openings, and reserve their spot. This helps to increase sales as well.

Increase Loyalty Among Customers

Consumers love apps because they can visit the app and engage with the company. Doing so takes little effort on their part. Combine the app with a reward program and watch loyalty increase.


The app allows a business to showcase the brand and prove its integrity. Make the brand consistent and memorable. By using consistent marketing materials, any company can ensure its app is easily recognized solely by the brand.

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How Apps Improve Customer Service

Automation allows consumers to handle tasks without the need to speak to a human. Ensure the self-service tools are user-friendly and easy to find. Customers love being able to handle tasks themselves rather than waiting to speak to someone. However, if the options aren’t easy to find, the company risks a loss of customers.

The app should make the purchase process easy and minimize the need for the customer to repeat actions. Ensure the app presents vital information early in the purchase process. Customers appreciate this, as it makes it easier for them to make an informed decision. They will trust the business more when it provides this information early.

Consumers take their mobile devices with them everywhere they go. The app also goes everywhere they go, which allows businesses to connect with them quickly and conveniently. Allow customers to set up auto-ship for desired products, send them alerts to discounts, and save their payment details. Doing so makes purchases convenient rather than a hassle.

Personalize messages to each customer. Show them products they may be interested in or offer package deals at reduced prices. Deliver value and the customer will return.

 Search features and security serve as two additional elements to include in any app. Make it easy for users to sign in and find what they want. This improves the customer experience, so they are more likely to return.

Create an app for your business today. Doing so provides many benefits and no drawbacks. The key lies in ensuring the app is user-friendly and provides the features consumers want. Any company that provides these two elements will find its app delivers an outstanding return on investment. 

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