We want to look dark as soon as possible but we must always do it with our heads, the important thing is to take care of ourselves but what if we can speed things up a bit?

Our legs and arms have not seen the sun for months and now the heat arrives and, with it, the dresses and shorts. We look pale and we wish that the golden tone that brings us brunettes already arrives .

Be careful with sun exposure , we know that being on the beach is not the same as being on the street and that there is a difference between sunbathing in the morning or at three in the afternoon but, beyond that, and continuous and constant use of protection creams, is there anything that can be done to get brown more quickly and safely?

  • Increase beta-carotenes and vitamin C in your diet.  As they already knew in the Roman Empire Mens sāna in corpore sānō and if you eat with your head your body will thank you. For some years now, it has also been proven that vitamin C and beta-carotenes transform into vitamin A in the body, which gives that long-awaited touch of color to our skin and also serves as protection against the action of lightning. ultraviolet. In addition, vitamin C also helps with the synthesis of collagen, making the skin look younger (and more tanned) if, during times of sunshine, we increase the consumption of foods that have these elements, such as oranges or carrots.
  • Out dead skins! When we exfoliate the skin, we remove dead cells from our dermis so that the sun’s rays do not find a barrier with the skin and favors tanning (we never tire of repeating ourselves: with a head, use sun protection). The exfoliation is carried out with a gentle massage throughout the body, paying attention to elbows, knees, feet … those areas where more dead cells accumulate.
  • Become a fan of protection.  No, this does not delay your tan, it is not an anti-tan shield, in fact, they help it to be healthier, prettier and last longer. In addition, many of them have tan enhancers while protecting our skin, find out what your phototype is and buy adequate sun protection for your skin.
  • Before, during and after. To get a beautiful and long-lasting tan, it is not only necessary to put on protection before going to the beach or pool, but also during exposure to the sun and, especially, after having bathed. In addition, once at home, and after the shower, it is important to use a specific lotion for after the sun or something very natural such as aloe vera, which helps us maintain tan and take care of the skin after the sun.
  • Hydrate yourself . Drink plenty of water . And natural juices. Hydration on the outside is essential but on the inside, even more, so remember to drink water and refresh yourself because, not only will you avoid heat stroke and dehydration, but you will help your body to get tan.
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And remember, avoid the hottest hours (from approximately 12.00 to 16.00), we want to be brunette but an insanely tanned skin is not pretty and, in addition, we risk having skin cancer. In addition, and how comfortable you are in the beach bar lengthening the mealtime?