There are many reasons that lead a person to start their own business. From unemployment to dissatisfaction with the current job, the desire to be your own boss leads many people to make this decision. But motivation is not enough to be successful in business .

In such a competitive market, many companies die early, due to the lack of financial organization and other knowledge related to the management of a business. What should be done to avoid being another entrepreneur who failed?

How to be successful in business

There is no formula for business success, nor does the most competent manager have every guarantee that your company will be successful. However, if some care is taken and careful planning is done, you can minimize the risks . Find out.

1. Define and evaluate your goals

The first step to being successful in business is knowing where you want to go and how you are going to act to make it happen. In an article published in Entrepreneur, Carol Roth, author of books on entrepreneurship, explains that you should ask yourself the most difficult questions, such as: what do you want to present to the market and if you are prepared to enter the business world. This will help you set goals and plan next steps.

2. Save some money

The cost to start a business depends a lot on the area. However, they all have one thing in common: it takes time to build a solid foundation and financial stability .

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Therefore, you need to have money to guarantee the survival of the company until you reach the break-even point. If you do not get the most recommended, which is to have your own money, go to financial institutions or venture capital investments.

3. Get experience in the area

It is necessary to know how to manage employees and collaborators in the company. For this, you must have experience and prior knowledge of your business area, knowing how the industry works inside and out is a fundamental step for success. If you don’t have this knowledge, you should spend some time working in the area, like a normal employee, until you feel safe to take your own steps.

4. Build a strong network of contacts

Success in business also depends on a good network of contacts , since it is not just about what you know, but also who you know.

Connections with successful people in your area can guarantee good advice. If they are mentors, that is, they accompany you and help you on your journey, even better. In addition, these relationships can help you find good suppliers and investors interested in your idea.

5. Test the scalability of your idea

Companies that are in the initial phase, especially in the case of startups, need to be scalable. But what is scalability about and how to test it? Basically, it is a business model with a high capacity to increase revenues without proportionally increasing costs.

It is necessary to identify the market and expand its channels of dissemination and sales, but with care not to make wrong decisions .

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