Automation and digital processes can save your company
The entrepreneurs are being occupied by nature: customers, suppliers, calls, taxes, alliances, family, friends, life person, etc. It is difficult to balance our professional and personal lives,...
Cyberpreneurship, a New Age Tool in Cyber Security
Cyberpreneurship is a phenomenon unique to the digital age, having originated from the fusion of cyber—a prefix that symbolizes digitization of established systems; and...
4 Cloud Services That do a Lot More Than Just Store Data
It’s 2018, and the cloud still manages to draw puzzled looks from many a CIO the world over. Part of the reason why this...
The Future of Healthcare Is in the Cloud
We will look back on 2020 as a pivotal moment for the use of cloud computing in healthcare. As the pandemic swept away old constraints, digital health innovators rushed...
Can Your Enterprise Benefit from No-Code AI?
Most companies rely on digital technology to conduct business and make critical decisions every day. Today’s businesses monitor and analyze data from a range of digital sources, including...
Will a Chatbot Really Save Your Company Money?
You send a message asking for information. The response is friendly, polite, and sometimes even playful.
“What a cool company,” you think.
The speed is uncanny. The...
Get to know the new advertising format on LinkedIn
The social network for professionals, LinkedIn, has just launched a new advertising tool for advertisers. Within its official page it calls them Conversation Ads , an expansion of its Sponsored...
The growth of an organization can be in the hands of Artificial Intelligence
When we read about Artificial Intelligence, we might think that it is the technology of the future, the truth is that it is a...
Technology podcast to improve your digital skills
The podcast has become a preferred format for many people since you can consume it and learn while doing other things like cleaning the...
Apple solves security flaws with update for iPhone and iPad
Apple annually renews the version of iOS and iPadOS, the operating systems of its iPhone and iPad respectively, to include news, improve performance, provide...