Lavender, rosemary, thyme, and sage, one ingredient for every thief. Legend has it that in 19th century Europe, hard hit by the epidemics of black fever or bubonic fever, four criminals circumvented a double death sentence with a concoction of these herbs. The first because for months it allowed them to escape contagion; the second, because they avoided a death sentence imposed on them for their robberies by revealing their secret, how could it be that they, always in contact with the corpses, had survived the contagion.

Like sayings, legends always bring some reality. And it is that sage, an evergreen shrub that does not reach half a meter in height, has endless healing properties. The same ones that led the ancient Greeks to consider it a sacred plant. In which cases is it recommended to take sage?

1. Halitosis. If you rub your teeth with the fresh leaves, you will not only whiten your teeth and strengthen your gums, but you will also have a good taste in your mouth.

2. Exhaustion. Sage activates blood circulation and activates the nervous system, which is why it is indicated for people with anemia, spring asthenia or exhaustion.

3. Respiratory conditions. It fights bacteria, viruses and strengthens the immune system. In addition, it helps to significantly improve the symptoms of the flu.

4. Menopause. Sage contains natural estrogens and, therefore, without side effects, so it helps to lessen the annoying symptoms associated with this vital stage of a woman’s life, which ranges from night sweats to nausea or hot flashes.

5. Digestive system. Due to its properties, it is useful against heavy digestion, but also against diarrhea and vomiting. It also helps eliminate heartburn and abdominal bloating.

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6. Skin. It is a good natural antiseptic. On the one hand, it helps to heal injuries and heal wounds, and on the other, it is ideal for cleaning the skin and removing impurities from the face.