You may think that you are consuming adequate amounts of salt. However, it is easy to exceed and take up to three times what is recommended. Find out why.

Salt is a necessary mineral to maintain the balance of body fluids. Its deficiency could lead to dehydration. However, an excess can cause problems such as hypertension .

The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that the necessary amounts of this mineral are about five grams daily. Quantity that can be satisfied through natural products since many of them contain sodium in their composition. This is the case of milk, eggs, chicken, fish … Other products such as bread, soft drinks, cheese, sausages, preserves also carry it.

And if we check the label of preparations such as diced broth or precooked, the amounts can go from 1,500 to 2,000 mg per 100 grams. And from there derives the warning from international organizations: we consume too much salt since, in addition to consuming it naturally, we salt meals and consume preparations rich in it. In summary, in practice we can be consuming more than 15 grams, triple what is recommended.

The same international organization recommends that foods rich in potassium, the mineral that helps control blood pressure, be increased. It is found in legumes, nuts like walnuts and some fruits like bananas. In short, in the foods of the Mediterranean diet. Therefore, to avoid eating an excessive amount of salt and increase the risk of heart disease, it would be enough to return to this type of diet, consume natural and fresh products and season the dishes with herbs or spices.

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Walnuts Nutrition facts:

Walnuts are made up of 65% fat and about 15% of protein. They’re low in carbs — most of which consist of fiber.