Making our own toothpaste is easier than it may seem. We give you two simple and effective options.

More and more people are betting on making their own personal hygiene products at home, as a way not only to save money but also to enjoy more natural formulas, without so many chemical additives. From soaps to moisturizers, there are many products that we can make safely, as long as we have adequately informed ourselves on how to do it. We present you two simple recipes for preparing toothpastes that will help us have clean and healthy teeth.

1. The first of them has as main ingredients: white clay (it must be specified when we buy it in the herbalism that can be ingested) that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects; sage and thyme, both with antibacterial properties; sea ​​salt, anti inflammatory; and stevia, a natural sweetener that will remove bitterness from the mixture. To prepare it, we boil the sage, thyme and stevia (one teaspoon each). We filter the cooking and add the salt, stirring to dissolve it. Once dissolved, add the clay and mix until there is a uniform paste. We can add a little water to make it less thick. If we want to preserve the minty flavor of traditional pasta we can add a few drops of peppermint essential oil.

2. Another very simple option is to prepare a toothpaste based on brewer’s yeast, lemon and salt. Just mix a quarter cup of brewer’s yeast with two teaspoons of lemon zest and two more of salt. Mix everything in the blender and you will get a paste with a very pleasant lemon flavor. It must be kept cold in an airtight glass container. To make the cleaning as complete as possible, we must not forget to use a good brush that is, beyond the toothpaste, our true ally for good oral hygiene.

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