How to detect the symptoms of osteoporosis

An early diagnosis is essential for the treatment of this bone disease that mainly affects women from 65 years old and men from 70 years old. Osteoporosis, a disease in which the patient suffers a loss of bone mass that can damage or deteriorate the bone, is also known as the silent epidemic because its symptoms go unnoticed by both...

“The average number of times a garment is worn is 6 times”

We spoke with Gema Gómez, designer and creator of the Slow Fashion Spain platform, about responsible habits and their benefits in the world of fashion. Should Spain look to some model of sustainability to acquire better sustainable habits globally? We have been behind other cultures for years. The Nordic countries, for example, take us about 15 years of advantage in this matter. Even...

3 things avocado can do for your beauty

Avocados can improve heart health, promote weight loss, and help maintain a good level of essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin B. And that's only when they eat it because within the world of beauty, avocados and avocado-based products (such as organic avocado oil from Haut-Ségala ) also have many properties to keep hair and skin young, beautiful and soft. Here are 3...

Common mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting a business

Did you know that between 50 and 70% of small businesses fail in the first 18 months of activity? Although this percentage varies by country, branch of activity, period and survey agency, the reality is not very far from that margin. The purpose of statistics is not to scare . Lack of an adequate and realistic business plan is one of the main causes of these...

3 surprising uses of cucumber

Beyond its use to decongest the eyes, as a famous pickle or to refresh salads, cucumber is one of the most versatile foods in our kitchen. Take it out of the vegetable drawer and take it to the bathroom because the number of uses it can have in beauty will surprise you. 1. Cucumber tonic: If you ever wake up with...

How to manage remote work teams effectively?

According to a recent report 5G Americas , the Telework and became part of the labor situation in the economically acti goes in Latin America , it has a share of close to 10% in countries like Brazil and Argentina, and between the 2 and 4% in Chile and Mexico. In the case of Colombia, about 10,000 companies, of which 2,500 are MSMEs, are applying telework, which means...


The ethics or values ​​of creativity against the background of fashion and style, from my point of view, have been distorted. Now it is a question of producing and consuming to the fullest regardless of how it is made, where it comes from, why it is made in this way , that is, it does not give relevance to the story behind...

How to boost the productivity of the company with digital tools?

Sometimes companies have excellent productivity tools at their fingertips , but due to the lack of knowledge about their use, it is not fully exploited in the proper way, seeking a benefit for the company. This may be the case of Office 365 , the software giant's suite that most organizations already use on their PCs. This platform is so popular among companies that,...

6 wonderful uses of honey

The benefits of honey on the organisms are many and very varied; From its composition rich in vitamins and minerals, to its bactericidal properties, through its anti-inflammatory benefits, it is clear to us why honey has been ingested for millions of years. But beyond the nutritional benefits it can bring us, there are other ways to use it to get the...

How to make your own toothpaste (very easy)

Making our own toothpaste is easier than it may seem. We give you two simple and effective options. More and more people are betting on making their own personal hygiene products at home, as a way not only to save money but also to enjoy more natural formulas, without so many chemical additives. From soaps to moisturizers, there are many products that...

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