Pimples under the skin: why does it occur and how to treat them?

Pimples that come out from under the skin can be very uncomfortable, unsightly, and even painful. But why do they occur? We tell you everything you need to know to get rid of them. On the chin, cheeks, nose, or forehead. Before we see them, we can first feel them. We notice a small lump under the skin that grows and can be very...

3 hair masks you can make at home

Home remedies are inexpensive, effective and do not expire. We propose you 3 homemade hair masks. Strength, shine and vitality from root to tip, just what we needed in our hair. 1. If you have dry hair : everyone, even greasy hair, needs hydration, you just have to know how to apply the right product in the right place, which is usually the ends. With...

How to build a marketing and sales machine to generate millions of dollars in less than a year

Anxiety due to illiquidity, slow growth and low income in your business can cause terrible symptoms for your health, your self-esteem and, of course, your integrity as an entrepreneur. 80% of the reasons why a business fails are related to the lack of a marketing system that manages to connect with the target audience. The best way to predict the future is...

Are you consuming too much salt and don’t know it?

You may think that you are consuming adequate amounts of salt. However, it is easy to exceed and take up to three times what is recommended. Find out why. Salt is a necessary mineral to maintain the balance of body fluids. Its deficiency could lead to dehydration. However, an excess can cause problems such as hypertension . The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that the necessary...

5 exceptional keys to make the best investment decisions and control your finances

I'm convinced. My experience as a coach helping more than 8,000 entrepreneurs to turn their business into a company that generates millions, has shown me that there is no entrepreneur who has not felt trapped by his own business. Many times they feel that for more hours they work they do not advance; that the number of their affairs to attend to...

6 medical tests that can save your life

Early diagnosis is key to the evolution of some diseases. Ask your doctor when you should have them based on your age, medical history, history, and risk factors. Don't risk it! 1. Blood tests : This is not a definitive test, but changes in the results may alert the doctor who will carry out other more definitive tests or suggest follow-up. For example, they could...

How to build customer loyalty in the era of digital companies?

One of the highest priorities of companies is always the customer, and that is why with the arrival of the digital age, loyalty has become their main challenge. Since people can obtain products and services through the Internet, the contact between organizations and the customer is increasingly distant, so loyalty can become a little more difficult, especially if in the...

How to detect the symptoms of osteoporosis

An early diagnosis is essential for the treatment of this bone disease that mainly affects women from 65 years old and men from 70 years old. Osteoporosis, a disease in which the patient suffers a loss of bone mass that can damage or deteriorate the bone, is also known as the silent epidemic because its symptoms go unnoticed by both...

“The average number of times a garment is worn is 6 times”

We spoke with Gema Gómez, designer and creator of the Slow Fashion Spain platform, about responsible habits and their benefits in the world of fashion. Should Spain look to some model of sustainability to acquire better sustainable habits globally? We have been behind other cultures for years. The Nordic countries, for example, take us about 15 years of advantage in this matter. Even...

3 things avocado can do for your beauty

Avocados can improve heart health, promote weight loss, and help maintain a good level of essential nutrients like potassium and vitamin B. And that's only when they eat it because within the world of beauty, avocados and avocado-based products (such as organic avocado oil from Haut-Ségala ) also have many properties to keep hair and skin young, beautiful and soft. Here are 3...

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